Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Secrets of Positive Teaching

1. Understanding. All teachers have a few students who create problems. Often they come  from dysfunctional homes or suffer from emotional problems. Try to understanding that bad behavior does not mean that a child is bad. An understanding teacher may make a huge difference in the life of a child.

2. Patience. Lack of patience is the undoing of many a teacher. 

3. Expectations. Those who enter the teaching profession with unrealistic expectations about student behavior are in for unpleasant surprises and much disappointment.

4. Sense of Humor.  Humor is one of the qualities most appreciated by students, and is a valuable tool in defusing classroom problems. Laughter is therapeutic.

5. Speak Softly. Screaming at students demonstrates that the teacher has lost control and creates lasting resentment in the students. If screaming becomes the norm, it becomes less effective and more and louder screaming may be required.

6. Be the Adult. The teacher is the adult in the room. Accept the role and set a good example of how an adult should behave.

7. Be Positive. State classroom rules positively rather than as a list of "don'ts."

8. Avoid Sarcasm. Even when sarcastic behavior is directed at a single student, others may empathize and resent the teacher's attitude. Sarcastic signs or posters should not be used even though they may seem cute.

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